A lot of people choose to play at online casinos these days, for they heard they can earn big money. Well, yes, at online casinos many people are playing not all of them are experts. You can expect to meet a variety of players at these online casinos, ranging from newbies to real pros, from whom you should stay away.
Texas hold’em poker games have been continuously on the rise on the social networks nowadays and as a result of this, there are millions of people that are engaging every day in this fun and addictive, yet very good sources of money. But because Facebook poker has expanded on other social networks like MySpace, Hi5, and Tagged, the number of broken Facebook poker accounts has increased very much and a lot of users are reporting the fact that their poker chips have been stolen.
One thing is that when you have a girlfriend for whom you would do anything, it is not uncommon that sometimes you will share your password with her. This is an absolute no-no regardless of how much you love her. You don’t know how trustworthy she is and maybe she is very honest. But if she will sometimes decide to enter your account and her computer will be the victim of a phishing scam, then you will feel very sorry for your decision of letting her know your password.
Another way that you can be the victim of Facebook scams is by receiving some “official” messages from your network asking for your password and maybe other details. This is a very used phishing scam in regards to poker on Facebook and you should never fall for it. Always remember that your Facebook poker account’s details must never be given to anyone!
Other methods are those that will tell you you’ve won God knows what obscure lottery even though you’ve never played for one ever. In the requested details, you will surely give out your Facebook poker account details as well, so this means you will be in for some big losses.
Make sure that if you are someone who has a Facebook accounts and delves many times into online casinos, keep a close look at what links you will choose to click. There will be a lot of Facebook accounts that will have links to different online casinos that they will advertise as being the most famous online casinos for playing slots or poker. If you want to delve into such games, then the best option for you would be to get in touch with a pro slots player or someone who has been visiting online casinos for a long time now and knows which the best ones are and how you can get to earn good money with them. If you are a kind person, he will most certainly give you some good tips regarding the best online casinos to play slots and poker.